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[WANTED] Faculty Positions in the Department of Marine Biotechnology and Resources, National Sun Yat-sen University (before March 31, 2024)

Expected Appointment Date: 2025, February 1

The department of Marine Biotechnology and Resources is looking for 2-3 tenure-track faculty positions at the level of Assistant Professor or above. Foreign scientists with a Ph.D. degree in chemistry, life sciences or related fields are also welcome to apply for this position.
Application Qualification:
1. Candidates must hold a Ph.D. degree in chemistry, life sciences or related fields, and must be postdoctoral researchers or teachers for more than two years.
2. Candidates can use frontier chemical/ biochemical or molecular biological techniques to explore marine aquaculture, to resolve the dilemma of disease, and/or to develop related fields on marine natural products (including biosynthesis). They should possess the ability to implement cross-disciplinary projects and teach fully in English.
3. Must teach undergraduate compulsory or elective courses in English (at least one course). 
Undergraduate curriculum map: https://mbr.nsysu.edu.tw/p/404-1260-241991.php?Lang=en
4. Shall meet the “Regulations for Appointment Qualifications of Faculty and Researchers”. The personnel regulations can be downloaded via the Office of Personnel Services website: https://ope.nsysu.edu.tw/p/412-1011-363.php?Lang=zh-tw

Required Applications Materials:
1. Curriculum vitae (including education background, work experience and list of publications for the past five years. (2019-present))
2. Future research projects and research resources needed by candidates. The research plan must include research projects related to the field of marine biological resources.
3. Future teaching plan and the syllabi or course descriptions (courses offered by candidates)
4. 1-3 representative papers in PDF format.
5. Please email three recommendation letters and documents mentioned above to Ms.Hu.  yaweihu@mail.nsysu.edu.tw.
6. Please fill in the list of applicants and see the attached EXCEL file for a format example.

Deadline and Mailing Address:
Applications should be submitted before March 31, 2024 by email: yaweihu@mail.nsysu.edu.tw. 
Please have your email subject line:“Application for Marine Biotechnology and Resources Faculty (-your name).”
For more information of the Department of Marine Biotechnology and Resources, please visit the website: https://mbr.nsysu.edu.tw/index.php

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