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Features of the Undergraduate Program


Features of the Undergraduate Program

Originally named the Department of Marine Resources, the undergraduate program was established in 1983. The department was renamed the Department of Marine Biotechnology and Resources with the approval of the Ministry of Education in 2005 with the aim of cultivating talent in the area of marine technology and providing in-depth training in independent research in order to meet the nation’s future academic, industrial and governmental needs.

(1) Department Overview:

The department provides undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs. It is one of few departments in the country that cover both marine resource exploration and marine biotechnology development and utilization, making it a special feature of the university.

The faculty includes thirteen full-time members, including ten professors, one associate professor, and three assistant professors. 40 new students are accepted into the undergraduate program each year.

(2) Objectives:

The department was established to promote academic research relevant to the development of marine biotechnology and resource exploitation, as well as to cultivate the talent necessary for related industries, in order to take full advantage of the marine life, energy and mineral resources found in the waters surrounding Taiwan and make up for natural resource shortages.

Aside from reinforcing students’ knowledge of biotechnology and awareness of marine resources and ecosystems, courses at the department also encourage students to intern by participating in a variety of marine research, gaining a practical understanding of the effects on marine life and ecosystems caused by various physical, chemical and geological factors in the environment. In addition, students will learn how marine resources are impacted by such factors, as well as how to protect and restore them. Finally, they will learn to evaluate, exploit, conserve and manage any environment or resource in the ocean using marine science and biotechnology, enabling them to contribute to the sustainable development of marine resources.

(3) Educational Goals and Development:

The goal of the department is to instill in students a foundation of marine science knowledge and cultivate expertise in the research and development of marine biotechnology and resources. The professional knowledge and training in independent research provided here will enhance students’ competitiveness in related academic fields and industries.

Teaching focuses include training in basic marine science, marine biotechnology, resource exploitation and resource conservation:

(1) Training in marine science involves strengthening fundamental scientific knowledge and providing courses in marine life, physics, chemistry, and geology. A solid foundation in marine science will provide students with the tools necessary to enter careers in marine biotechnology was well as resource exploration and exploitation.

(2) Marine biotechnology training presents a marine-science-oriented approach to modern biotechnology teaching and training, providing complete and specialized professional instruction to generate students who are well-versed in the ocean and the development of biotechnology, giving them the competitive edge to pursue research, further academic study, or careers in the biotechnology industry.

(3) Resource exploitation education includes biological, chemical, geological, and physical marine resources. It also has an emphasis on teaching ocean productivity research and the development of natural medical resources from the sea. Additionally, it incorporates biotechnology and genetic engineering research methodology to increase yields and prevent the overdevelopment of biological resources, maintaining a balance between exploitation and conservation.

(4) In terms of resource conservation, focus is placed on the conservation of biological resources so that students may understand the effects of various environmental factors (including sources of pollution) on marine life and ecosystems. Students will learn to evaluate the impact of variations in environmental factors on overall marine resources and relevant preventive measures, enabling them to better develop, conserve and manage those resources.

Developmental priorities include research and education in the areas of molecular cell biology, neurophysiology and endocrinology of marine life, marine ranching and aquaculture, natural products and biopharmaceuticals, basic productivity, biological oceanography, marine ecology and environmental chemistry, and physical and geological marine resources. 

This department is not divided into specializations; instead, it is focused on a core approach of cultivating students through fundamental science and marine biotechnology.

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