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Lunch Talk on 6/18 (Tue) & 6/24 (Mon)

6/18 (Tue)

Speaker: Prof. Philippe Le Coustumer (Université de Bordeaux)

Title: Nano-Microplastic transport: new results and potential impact on the water resources

Venue: Room MA2016 

Time: 6/18 (Tue), 12:00pm~13:30pm

※    Sign up before 6/17 17:00


6/24 (Mon)

Speaker:邱永芳博士 (中山大學榮譽講座教授)


Venue:Room MA2016 

Time:6/24 (Mon), 12:00pm~13:30pm

※    Sign up before 6/20 17:00


Sign up: https://forms.gle/QK6CSKm4dSRFGPjs5

Teachers, researchers and students are welcome to participate!

Snacks served. If you are unable to attend after signed up, please let the College Office know to reduce food waste.

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