



本系碩士班二年級方舜億同學參加第二十一屆國際民族藥理學研討會(The 21st International Congress of International Society for Ethnopharmacology),方同學以傳統中藥倒(釘)地蜈蚣的功效活性成分研究,發表壁報論文,並獲大會推薦,進行英語口頭報告,榮獲大會旅遊獎勵 (Travel Award) 補助。倒(釘)地蜈蚣為錫蘭七指蕨的地下根莖部,在傳統草藥使用上長期被用來治療發炎相關疾病。在台灣的中藥市場中存在兩類型釘地蜈蚣,一為紅釘地蜈蚣,另一種為黑釘地蜈蚣,臨床上普遍認為紅釘地蜈蚣藥效表現較黑釘地蜈蚣佳,但過去文獻指出兩者之有機萃取層在特定指標成分中並無統計學上的顯著差異,於是我們希望找出臨床使用紀錄中兩者活性的差異的真正原因。有鑑於中草藥服用多以水或酒來製作製劑,因此方同學決定將焦點放在水溶性萃取物中。首先確認紅釘地蜈蚣的水溶性萃取物抗發炎活性較黑釘地蜈蚣更好。其後分子網路分析與高效液相層析皆指出,紅釘地蜈蚣與黑釘地蜈蚣水溶性萃取物於主成份上並無太大差異,但所含黃酮類配醣體比例上有差異,其中紅釘地蜈蚣含較多具抗發炎活性的黃酮類配醣體。由此推論紅釘地蜈蚣與黑釘地蜈蚣臨床表現差異為其中所含水溶性黃酮類配醣體成分含量占比差異所致。

Mr. Sheun-Yi Fang, the 2nd year student in Master program at Department of Marine Biotechnology Resources, joined the 21st International Congress of International Society for Ethnopharmacology and earned the Travel Award. Mr. Fang studied the bioactive components of Daodi-Ugon, a traditional Chinese medicine, and recommended by the conference organization as Oral Presentation. Daodi-Ugon is the roots of the fern Helminthostachys zeylanica and has been used for the treatment of inflammation diseases. In Taiwan, two commercial products, Hong Daodi-Ugon (HZR) and Hei Daodi-Ugon (HZB), were found. Empirical evidence by sophisticated TCM providers who claim that HZR is superior to HZB in both quality and efficacy. However, there were no significant difference between the organic extracts of both medicinal materials. Based on the conventional preparation of TCM by hot water mixed with alcohol, Mr. Fang tried to focus on the investigation of the water-soluble components of the herbs. By the preliminary anti-inflammation assays, Mr. Fang found the HZR water extract is superior to the HZB one. Although the analyses of both extracts by the GNPS molecular network and high-performance liquid chromatography indicated that only few differences between them were found, interestingly, the amounts of the bioactive principles, flavone glycosides and phenolic glycosides in the HZR extract is higher than those in the HZB extract. Based on the above research results, we know that HZR shows more anti-inflammatory effect than HZB, which matches the empirical evidence.


Travel Award
