

海洋天然產物生醫應用台俄雙邊研討會 (回顧) 議程及摘要集

Photo 1. Speech by Professor Hsien-Hua Lee, the dean of College of Marine Science, National Sun Yat-Sen
    University, Taiwan..

Photo 2
Photo 2. Speech by Professor Jyh-Horng Sheu, Department of Marine Biotechology and Resources, National
    Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan.

Photo 3
Photo 3. Professor Li-Lian Liu discussed and asked the questions.

Photo 4
Photo 4. The Group photo of all speakers.

Photo 5.
Photo 5. Professor Chih-Chuang Liaw presented the souvenirs to the Dr. Oleg Chernikov, Deputy Director, Head
    of the Laboratory of Chemistry of Noninfectious Immunity, G.B. Elyakov Pacific Institute
Photo 6
Photo 6. Enjoyed the break time.

Photo 7
Photo 7. Speech by Professor Shih-Hsiung Wu, Institute of Biological Chemistry, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.

Photo 8
Photo 8. Speech by Professor Wu.

Photo 9
Photo 9. Professor Lee-Chiang Lo presented the souvenirs to the Professor Wu.

Photo 10
Photo 10. Speech by Dr. Marina Isaeva, Russia Acting Head of the Laboratory of Marine Biochemistry, G.B.
    Elyakov Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry.

Photo 11
Photo 11. Professor Chih-Chuang Liaw discussed and asked the questions.
Photo 12
Photo 12. Dr. Marina Isaeva explained and answered the questions.

Photo 13
Photo 13. Professor Lo presented the souvenirs to the Dr. Marina Isaeva.

Photo 14
Photo 14. Speech by Professor Chi-Chien Lin, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, College of Life Science,
     National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan.

Photo 15
Photo 15. Dr. Elena Leychenko explained and discussed the questions, assistant professor of the Laboratory
     of Peptide Chemistry, G.B. Elyakov Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry.

Photo 16
Photo 16. Professor Chin-Chung Wu presented the souvenirs to the Dr. Elena Leychenko.

Photo 17
Photo 17. Professor Wu presented the souvenirs to Professor Mei-Chin Lu, Graduate Institute of Marine
     Biology National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan.

Photo 18
Photo 18. Speech by Dr. Irina Gladkikh, Assistant Professor of the Laboratory of Peptide。
     Chemistry, G.B. Elyakov Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry.

Photo 19
Photo 19. Dr. Irina Gladkikh explained and discussed the questions.

Photo 20
Photo 20. Professor Chin-Chung Wu presented the souvenirs to Dr. Irina Gladkikh.

Photo 21
Photo 21. Professor Wu presented the souvenirs to Professor Kuo-Feng Hua, Department of Biotechnology and
     Animal Science, National Ilan University, Taiwan.

Photo 22
Photo 22. Speech by Professor Yuan-Bin Cheng, Graduate Institute of Natural Products,
     College of 
Pharmacy, Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan.

Photo 23
Photo 23. Professor Wu presented the souvenirs to Professor Yuan-Bin Cheng.

Photo 24
Photo 24. Professor Shang-Yin Vanson Liu introduced Professor Hsin-Yang (Calvin) Chang.

Photo 25
Photo 25. Speech by Professor Hsin-Yang (Calvin) Chang, Department of Marine
     Biotechnology & Resources at National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan.
Photo 26
Photo 26. Professor Shih-Hsiung Wu discussed and asked the questions.
Photo 27
Photo 27. Professor Chang explained and discussed the questions.

Photo 28
Photo 28. Professor Chang explained and discussed the questions.
Photo 29
Photo 29. Professor Liu presented the souvenirs to Professor Chang.

Photo 30
Photo 30. Speech by Professor Hsiu-Chin Lin, Department of Marine Biotechnology
     & Resources National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan.

Photo 31
Photo 31. Professor Liu presented the souvenirs to Professor Lin.

Photo 32
Photo 32. Speech by Professor Chih-Chuang Liaw, Department of Marine
     Biotechnology & Resources National Sun Yat-sen University Taiwan.

Photo 33
Photo 33. Professor Liu presented the souvenirs to Professor Liaw.